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Html5 manual pdf download


Div Element. Text Items and Objects 1. Headings 2. Comments 3. Block Quotes 4. Horizontal Lines 5. Special Characters. Creating Lists 1. Numbered Ordered Lists 2. Bulleted Unordered Lists 3. Nested Lists 4. Definition Lists. Links 1. What are Links? Text Links 3. Image Links 4. Opening a Page in a New Window or Tab 5. Linking to an Area on the Same Page Bookmarks 7. Linking to an E-mail Address 8. Linking to Other Types of Files. Images 1. Introduction to Images for Webpages 2.

Adding Images to Webpages 3. Re-Sizing an Image 4. Alternative ALT Text 5. Image Labels. Basic Tables 1. Inserting a Table 2. Table Borders 3. Table Headers. Iframes 1. What is an Iframe?

Inserting Iframes 3. Setting Height and Width 4. Using an Iframe for a Link Target. Forms 1. About Forms 2. Sending to E-mail 3. Text Boxes 4. Text Areas 5. Check Boxes 6. Menu Lists 7. Radio Buttons 8. Submit Button 9. Reset Button Changing the Tab Order. Video and Audio 1. About Video and Audio Files 2. Linking to Video and Audio Files 3.

Adding Video 4. Adding Audio 5. Using YouTube to Display Video. Cascading Style Sheets 1. What are Cascading Style Sheets? CSS Syntax 3. Creating an Internal CSS 4. Linking to a CSS 5. Creating an Internal Style Sheet 7. ID and Class 8. Inline Styling.

Emphasizing Text Bold and Italic 2. Decoration 3. Indentation 4. Transformation 5. Text Alignment 6. Fonts 7. Font Sizes 8. Letter Spacing Kerning 9. While these are similar, each is optimised for different needs and authoring habits. The former is more lenient in its design and handling requirements, and has a number of convenient shorthands for authors to use. The latter is based on XML and has much stricter syntactic requirements, designed to discourage the proliferation of syntactic errors.

Although it is inspired by its SGML origins, in practice, it really only shares minor syntactic similarities. This features a range of shorthand syntaxes, designed to make hand coding more convenient, such as allowing the omission of some optional tags and attribute values. Authors are free to choose whether or not they wish to take advantage of these shorthand features based upon their own personal preferences. While this too is inspired by SGML, this syntax requires documents to be well-formed, which some people prefer because of its stricter error handling, forcing authors to maintain cleaner markup.

Due to the similarities of both the HTML and XHTML syntaxes, it is possible to mark up documents using a common subset of the syntax that is the same in both, while avoiding the syntactic features that are unique to each. This type of document is said to use polyglot markup, often simply referred to as a polyglot document, because it simultaneously conforms to both syntaxes and may be treated as either.

There are a number of issues involved with creating such documents and authors wishing to do so should familiarise themselves with the similarities and differences between HTML and XHTML.

There are a number of basic components make up the syntax of HTML, that are used throughout any document. Note: The term "legacy-compat" refers to compatibility with legacy producers only. This quoted string, however, may also be quoted with single quotes, rather than double quotes. The highlighted fragments below illustrate which parts are case insensitive in HTML. Although, be advised that DTDs have a number of limitations compared with other alternative schema languages and validation techniques.

HTML5 conformance checkers are required to issue a warning if one is present. The highlighted fragments indicate case insensitivity in the HTML syntax. In addition to those, the following public and system identifiers in the table below may be substituted accordingly. This section needs revising and may be moved to an external document and simply referred to.

However, due to legacy constraints, it has gained another very important purpose: triggering no-quirks mode in browsers. HTML5 defines three modes: quirks mode , limited quirks mode and no quirks mode , of which only the latter is considered conforming to use. The reason for this is due to backwards compatibility. The important thing to understand is that there are some differences in the way documents are visually rendered in each of the modes; and to ensure the most standards compliant rendering, it is important to ensure no-quirks mode is used.

Each is represented syntactically by a tag. While the types have some similarities to each other, they are distinguished by their syntactic requirements for their content models and the types of tags that may be used.

All elements are identified by their tag name and are marked up using either start tags and end tags or self-closing tags. A start tag marks the beginning of an element, while an end tag marks the end. Start tags are delimited using angle brackets with the tag name and any attributes in between. End tags are delimited by angle brackets with a slash before the tag name.

A Self-closing tag is a special form of start tag with a slash immediately before the closing right angle bracket. These indicate that the element is to be closed immediately, and has no content. Where this syntax is permitted and used, the end tag must be omitted. In HTML, the use of this syntax is restricted to void elements and foreign elements. If it is used for other elements, it is treated as a start tag.

But note that it is only conforming for elements with content models that permit them to be empty. In HTML, tag names are case insensitive. It is conventional to use their canonical case, but this is not required. For example, they could be written in all uppercase or mixed case, depending on your own preferences. Refer to the definition of each element if in doubt. Some authors choose to include a space before the slash in the self-closing tag. This practice is based upon a convention that originated within the compatibility guidelines in XHTML 1.

However, adherence to this convention is unnecessary. The permitted syntax of each element and its content model varies based on the type of element. The term empty element is used to describe an element that contains no content.

Elements of any type can be empty, depending on their content model. Depending on the type, these are represented either by a start tag that is immediately closed, either implicitly or by the presence of an end tag , or by using the self-closing tag syntax. The term void elements is used to designate elements that must be empty. These requirements only apply to the HTML syntax.

In XHTML, all such elements are treated as normal elements , but must be marked up as empty elements. These elements are forbidden from containing any content at all. In HTML, these elements have a start tag only. The self-closing tag syntax may be used. The end tag must be omitted because the element is automatically closed by the parser. Such elements include, among others, br , hr , link and meta. The term raw text elements refers to elements within which the content is treated as raw text instead of markup.

These require a start tag and an end tag. Neither the self-closing tag syntax, nor optional tags are supported. These elements can only contain raw text. This means that other content like comments , character references and other elements cannot be represented in the HTML syntax. That is, the markup for such constructs is treated as text instead of markup. All occurrences of special characters do not need to be escaped as character references , as they otherwise would within normal elements.

There is, however, one additional restriction that the text cannot contain a string that looks like the element's end tag. In the previous example, an HTML conformance checker would report the error as relating to the second end tag , believing that the first is in fact the end tag. Care must be taken to ensure such strings do not occur within the script. In XHTML, because such elements are treated as normal elements , markup like comments, character references and other elements can be represented.

It is therefore necessary to escape all special characters using either character references or by enclosing the content within a CDATA section. However, by taking advantage of the scripting language's comment syntax, those strings can be commented so that they are ignored by the script in HTML, but still processed as markup in XHTML.

The term RCDATA elements refers to elements within which character references are supported, but all other content is treated as raw text instead of markup. These elements can only contain text or character references. This means that only character references are treated as markup, whereas all other content like comments and other elements cannot be represented in the HTML syntax.

That is, the markup for such constructs is treated as text. Occurrences of special characters may, but generally do not need to be escaped as character references , as they otherwise would within normal elements. But this is subject to the additional restriction that the text cannot include an ambiguous ampersand.

That is, an ampersand followed a sequence of characters that looks like a named character reference, but which is not valid. Another additional restriction that the text cannot contain a string that looks like the element's end tag. In XHTML, because such elements are treated as normal elements , markup like comments and other elements can also be represented.

The self-closing tag syntax may be used, where the element's content model permits. Optional tags are not supported. Normal Elements refers to all other HTML elements that are not categorised in any of the other types. These have a start tag and an end tag. These elements do not support the self-closing tag syntax. Certain elements have optional tags , meaning that one or both tags may be omitted in specific circumstances where the presence of the tag will be implied by surrounding markup.

Consult the element definitions to see which tags may be omitted. Some additional restrictions apply on a per-element basis to some specific elements. Consult the element definitions for details.

Elements may have attributes that are used to specify additional information about them. Some attributes are defined globally and can be used on any HTML element, while others are defined for specific elements only. Every attribute must have an attribute name that is used to identify it. Every attribute also has an associated attribute value , which, depending on the attribute's definition, may represent one of several different types.

The permitted syntax for each attribute depends on the given value. Attributes are placed within a start tag and are separated from the tag name and from each other by whitespace.

They must not be specified within an end tag. In HTML, attribute names are case insensitive. It is, however, recommended that authors use the lowercase letters in the ranges a—z and 0—9. Attribute values may contain text and character references , subject to the restriction that the text cannot contain an ambiguous ampersand , and to any additional restrictions imposed by the syntax being used. There are four slightly different syntaxes that may be used for attributes in HTML: empty, unquoted, single-quoted and double-quoted.

All four syntaxes may be used in the HTML syntax, depending on what is needed for each specific attribute. However, in the XHTML syntax, attribute values must always be quoted using either single or double quotes. An empty attribute is one where the value has been omitted. This is a syntactic shorthand for specifying the attribute with an empty value, and is commonly used for boolean attributes. However, due to legacy constraints, this has been changed in HTML5 to reflect the way implementations really work.

Note: The previous examples are semantically equivalent to specifying the attribute with the value "disabled" , but are not exactly the same. An unquoted attribute value is one where the value is supplied, but is not surrounded by quotation marks. To represent those characters in an attribute value, they either need to be escaped using character references, or you need to use either the single- or double-quoted attribute values. In the previous example, each attribute is separated from the last by a space.

The slash at the end, which despite not being separated from the last value by any space characters, is not considered part of the attribute's value. Instead, the the slash indicates the use of the self-closing tag syntax. An double-quoted attribute value is one where the supplied value is surrounded by double quotation marks ". The attribute value must delimited by double-quote characters " before and after the value, and must not contain any double-quote characters or an ambiguous ampersands in between.

All other text and character references are permitted. An single-quoted attribute value is one where the supplied value is surrounded by single quotation marks '. The attribute value must delimited by single-quote characters ' before and after the value, and must not contain any single-quote characters or an ambiguous ampersands in between.

Discuss numeric and named character reference syntax. May link to the list of entity references in a separate document, rather than trying to list them all in here. Overview of Unicode, character repertoires, encodings, etc. The important thing to understand is that there are valid reasons to choose both, and that authors are encouraged to make an informed decision. Polyglot documents are useful to create for situations where a document is intended to be served as either HTML or XHTML, depending on the support in particular browsers, or when it is not known at the time of creation, which MIME type the document will ultimately be served as.

In order to successfully create and maintain polyglot documents, authors need to be familiar with both the similarities and differences between the two syntaxes.

This includes not only syntactic differences, but also differences in the way stylesheets, and scripts are handled, and the way in which character encodings are detected.

This section will provide the details about each of these similarities and differences, and provide guidelines on the creation of polyglot documents. Base this on the HTML vs. XHTML article. Each element in HTML falls into zero or more categories that group elements with similar characteristics together. The following categories are used in this guide:. Metadata content includes elements for marking up document metadata; marking up or linking to resources that describe the behaviour or presentation of the document; or indicate relationships with other documents.

Metadata elements appear within the head of a document. Some common examples of metadata elements include: title , meta , link , script and style. Most elements that are used in the body of documents and applications are categorised as flow content. Most of the elements used to mark up the main content in the body of a page are considered to be flow content.

In general, this includes elements that are presented visually as either block level or inline level. Some common flow content includes elements like div , p , em and strong. Elements categorised as heading content, phrasing content or embedded content are also considered to be flow content.

These elements can have their own outlines, but the sections and headers inside these elements do not contribute to the outlines of their ancestors. Some common sectioning root elements include, among others, body , blockquote and figure.

Sectioning content is used for structuring a document into sections, each of which generally has its own heading. These elements provide a scope within which associated headers, footers and contact information apply. Some common sectioning elements include, among others, section , article and nav.

Most sectioning elements, with the exception of the body element, are also classified as flow content. Heading content includes the elements for marking up headers. Headings, in conjunction with the sectioning elements, are used to describe the the structure of the document.

Heading content includes the header element and the h1 to h6 elements. Phrasing content includes text and text-level markup. This is similar to the concept of inline level elements in HTML 4. Most elements that are categorised as phrasing content can only contain other phrasing content. Some common examples of phrasing content elements include abbr , em , strong and span.

Embedded content includes elements that load external resources into the document. Such external resources include, for example, images, videos and Flash-based content.

Some embedded content elements include img , object , embed and video. Elements categorised as embedded content are considered to be phrasing content, and thus also considered to be flow content. Interactive elements are those that allow the user to interact with or activate in some way. Some common examples of interactive content include a , audio and video when used with the controls attribute, and most form controls using input. Some elements have transparent content models, meaning that their allowed content depends upon the parent element.

They may contain any content that their parent element may contain, in addition to any other allowances or exceptions described for the element. When the element has no parent, then the content model defaults to flow content. Expect major changes to this section. Each of these needs longer descriptions and the elements should be divided into categories.

The IDL for the DOM Interfaces is likely to be replaced by something a lot more reader-friendly in the future; consider it a placeholder for now. Attributes will likely be accompanied by brief descriptions within the summary box, in addition to fuller descriptions and examples afterwards.

The html element represents the root of an HTML document. The html element is the root element of a document. Every document must begin with this element, and it must contain both the head and body elements. It is considered good practice to specify the primary language of the document on this element using the lang attribute. In the HTML syntax only, both the start and end tags are optional, and so for convenience either may be omitted, unless you wish to specify attributes on this element, in which case, at least the start tag needs to be included.

You may use either the lang or xml:lang attribute to specify the language. Metadata is information about the document itself, such as it's title, author. Scripts and stylesheets may also be included within the head element.

Every document must have a head element. The base element is for specifying a base URL against which relative links will be resolved, and the name of the default target for opening links and form submissions. The link is for linking to other resources, such as stylesheets, favicons and syndication feeds. The LinkStyle interface must also be implemented by this element, the styling processing model defines how.

The meta element is for providing various types of metadata, such as the application-name or specifying the documents character encoding. The style element allows authors to embed stylesheets, typically CSS, within their documents. The script element allows authors to include scripts, typically javaScript, and data blocks in their documents. The noscript element is used to provide alternative content for users using browsers that do not support scripting or have it disabled. The body element represents the main content of the document.

The section element represents a generic document or application section. A section, in this context, is a thematic grouping of content, typically with a header and possibly a footer. The nav element represents a section of a page containing primary navigation links to other pages or to parts within the page. The article element represents an independent section of a document, page, or site. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, or any other independent item of content.

The aside element represents a section of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to the content around the aside element, and which could be considered separate from that content. Such sections are often represented as sidebars in printed typography. The header element represents the header of a section, typically containing headings and subheadings, and other metadata about the section. The footer element represents a footer of a section, typically containing information such as who wrote it, links to related documents, and copyright notices.

The address element represents the contact information for the section it applies to. If it applies to the body element , then it instead applies to the document as a whole. A typical document is often structured into different sections and subsections, with each potentially having its own heading and possibly a subheading. These heading and sectioning elements provide a way for this structure to be conveyed to the reader. The p element represents a paragraph. The hr element represents a paragraph -level thematic break, e.

The pre element represents a block of preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic conventions rather than by elements. The dialog element represents a conversation. The blockquote element represents a section that is quoted from another source. The ol element represents an ordered list. The ul element represents an unordered list. The dl element introduces an association list containing groups of terms and associated descriptions. The dt element represents the term, or name, part of a term-description group in a description list dl element , and the talker, or speaker, part of a talker-discourse pair in a conversation dialog element.

The dd element represents the description, definition, or value, part of a term-description group in a description list dl element , and the discourse, or quote, part in a conversation dialog element. If the a element has an href attribute, then it represents a hyperlink. The Command interface must also be implemented by this element.

The q element represents a phrase quoted from another source. The cite element represents the title of a work, such as an article, a book, a poem, a song, a film, or any other creative work. The em element represents stress emphasis of its contents. The strong element represents strong importance for its contents. The small element represents small print part of a document often describing legal restrictions, such as copyrights or other disadvantages , or other side comments.

The mark element represents a run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context. The dfn element represents the defining instance of a term, where its definition is provided nearby. The abbr element represents an abbreviation or acronym, optionally with its expansion. The progress element represents the completion progress of a task. The meter element represents a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. The code element represents a fragment of computer code.

The var element represents a variable, such as in a mathematical expression or programming context, or it could just be a term used as a placeholder in prose. The samp element represents sample output from a program or computing system. The kbd element represents user input typically keyboard input, although it may also be used to represent other input, such as voice commands.

The sup element represents a superscript and the sub element represents a subscript. The i element represents a span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase from another language, a thought, a ship name, or some other prose whose typical typographic presentation is italicized.

The b element represents a span of text to be stylistically offset from the normal prose without conveying any extra importance, such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review, or other spans of text whose typical typographic presentation is boldened.

The bdo element allows authors to override the Unicode bidi algorithm by explicitly specifying a direction override. The ruby element allows one or more spans of phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations. Ruby annotations are short runs of text presented alongside base text, primarily used in East Asian typography as a guide for pronounciation or to include other annotations.

In Japanese, this form of typography is also known as furigana. The rt element marks the ruby text component of a ruby annotation. The ins element represents an addition to the document. The del element represents a removal from the document.

The iframe element introduces a new nested browsing context. The embed element represents an integration point for an external typically non-HTML application or interactive content.

Depending on the type of content instantiated by the embed element, the node may also support other interfaces. The object element can represent an external resource, which, depending on the type of the resource, will either be treated as an image, as a nested browsing context , or as an external resource to be processed by a plugin. Depending on the type of content instantiated by the object element, the node may also support other interfaces.

The param element defines parameters for plugins invoked by object elements. A video element represents a video or movie. An audio element represents a sound or audio stream. The source element allows authors to specify multiple media resources for media elements. The canvas element represents a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly. The map element, in conjunction with any area element descendants, defines an image map.

The area element represents either a hyperlink with some text and a corresponding area on an image map , or a dead area on an image map. The table element represents data with more than one dimension a table. The caption element represents the title of the table that is its parent, if it has a parent and that is a table element. The colgroup element represents a group of one or more columns in the table that is its parent, if it has a parent and that is a table element.

If a col element has a parent and that is a colgroup element that itself has a parent that is a table element, then the col element represents one or more columns in the column group represented by that colgroup. This interface defines one member, span. The tbody element represents a block of rows that consist of a body of data for the parent table element, if the tbody element has a parent and it is a table.

The thead element represents the block of rows that consist of the column labels headers for the parent table element, if the thead element has a parent and it is a table. The tfoot element represents the block of rows that consist of the column summaries footers for the parent table element, if the tfoot element has a parent and it is a table. The tr element represents a row of cells in a table.

The td element represents a data cell in a table. The th element represents a header cell in a table. The form element represents a collection of form-associated elements , some of which can represent editable values that can be submitted to a server for processing. The fieldset element represents a set of form controls grouped under a common name. The label represents a caption in a user interface. The input element represents a typed data field, usually with a form control to allow the user to edit the data.

The button element represents a button. If the element is not disabled , then the user agent should allow the user to activate the button. The select element represents a control for selecting amongst a set of options. The datalist element represents a set of option elements that represent predefined options for other controls.

The contents of the element represents fallback content for legacy user agents, intermixed with option elements that represent the predefined options. In the rendering, the datalist element represents nothing and it, along with its children, should be hidden.

The optgroup element represents a group of option elements with a common label. The option element represents an option in a select element or as part of a list of suggestions in a datalist element. The output element represents the result of a calculation. The details element represents additional information or controls which the user can obtain on demand. The command element represents a command that the user can invoke.

The bb element represents a user agent command that the user can invoke. The menu element represents a list of commands. The div element represents nothing at all. These elements are obsolete and should not be used by authors. However, they are documented here because they are supported by browsers, along with notes about conforming alternatives that may be used instead.



- Html5 manual pdf download

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